Springfield Middle School Physical Education
Distance Learning for Physical Education and Health Classes
As we all are beginning the school year with distance learning, the Physical Education Department would like to assure all parents and students that we are doing our best to provide our students with fun, engaging lessons that meet our state and local standards. This truly is not the normal Physical Education we are all used to, but we will all get through it together. Students remember that you are required to attend all classes and complete all work provided. We will be focusing on health concepts with some daily physical activity goals. Students and parents are reminded that if you have any questions, please contact your Physical Education teacher.
Current Unit
Beginning of the year "stuff"
Be on the lookout for beginning of the year information to come.......
PE Quote of the Week
Please make sure all students have their PE clothes for class. Each time a student is not changed they lose 10 points off of their daily grade.
Please be checking your student's grade on Parent Vue. If you have any questions about grades please contact your child's PE teacher.